from your hold, in the name of Jesus. And he went forth unto the spring of the waters, and cast the salt in there, and said, Thus saith the Lord , I have healed these waters; there shall not be from thence any more death or barren land. ANCESTRAL AND PARENTAL POLLUTION: This happens when your ancestors or parents are into marine worship. By the power in the blood of Jesus, I break multiple demon chains around my glory, in Jesus name. 1. 6. There can be shallow deliverance, partial deliverance, unfinished deliverance; but people of destiny NEEDS DEEP PROPHETIC DELIVERANCE TO THE ROOT OF THE MATTERS OF THEIR LIVES. 4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? Let the fire of God locate and destroy every marine spirits covens where deliberations and decisions have ever been fashioned against me, in the name of Jesus. Any stubborn chain from my fathers house and mothers house binding me down to one spot catch fire, in Jesus name. They use different categories of nightmares to scatter and hinder a persons expectation. Henceforth, let no power from the marine kingdom trouble me, for I bear in my body, the mark of the blood of Jesus. They Pharaoh wasnt surprised at all, he actually just smiled and laughed at Moses and Aaron. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. These are self deliverance prayers. Spiritual bank account opened for me by spirit husband / wife be closed by the blood of Jesus. MARINE GIFTS: These come in the form of jewelry, clothes with wet look, etc. Contact Evangelist Joshua on Telegram group through +2348099828623. This class of demons are responsible for all the whoredom our world is living with today. The python and marine spirit can render termed a person a witch. manipulation deliverance jeffrey ebooks They program and project evil things into people including animals, moving objects, heat, and sicknesses into people. or email to: Women who suffer from the oppressions of this malevolent demon, find it difficult to get married, the demon continually resist them and drives away all potential suitors. CHARACTERISTICS OF SPIRIT WIFE/HUSBAND 1. Jesus has given us the power to cast out devils, marine spirits are devils, therefore begin to cast them out of your life in Jesus name. feebleness (of body or mind); by implication malady; moral frailty: disease, infirmity, sickness, weakness. Lord Jesus Christ before the court of heaven I repent of the sins of my generational line and forefathers where they have sinned against you and provoked you to anger,I repent for every evil word I have spoken and is found guilty of before the court of heaven according to Matthew 12:36 and I also repent of all sexual and evil sins I have committed.Lord I am sincerely sorry and I am seeking the highest court of heaven for a complete divorce from all previous sexual partners all evil family covenants or dedications by evil people on my behalf all marine spirits ,queen of the coast,spirit husband and wives ,masquerading marine spirits ,leviathan and persons in whom my soul is still currently joined to or fragmented with or in covenant with other than the wife / husband /the Lord Jesus in whom I am currently and presently married to. The Zidonians had raised a Woman called JEZEBEL was is much connected to Marine Spirits through Her hidden Marine Witchcraft. 24. Are you experiencing constant sleepless night? Classes Of Animals And Their Dream Interpretations, Bible Verses To Read Tonight Before You Sleep. B)Seas. 3. JEZEBEL was the Mother of Whoredoms and Witchcraft which was deeply rooted in Marine Kingdom powers. Declare now 21 times: I am free in Jesus name.. 13. Click this link to join Now, . Any evil material transferred into my body through contact with any marine spirit agent, be destroyed by fire, in the name of Jesus. 5 For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. Every witchcraft serpent sent to disgrace me, roast to death by the fire of the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name. All rights reserved. They attack people mostly through evil foundation. 25. Fire of the living God enter into my body and make legion of demons uncomfortable for their operation in my life, in the name of Jesus. Though they openly can be seen from either Art, Imagery, Idols and even products associated either with Water, Heavenlies or Oceans. Therefore, if you were a victim of any of the powers, know this that are no more a victim, stand your ground in faith and cast out every marine devil in your life. Thanks for devoting your time to helping the body of Chris. Thunder of God strike down evil altars in the sea bearing my name, in Jesus name. What are marine or water spirits? Repent confess, and restitute if necessary. 9. 3. False prophets and false prophecies are products of marine spirits. 15. "Father" is the covenant name God gave his choice minister, Apostle Henry A. Okwuosa, on April 17th, 1999, saying to him that "After the order of Abraham, you are going to be a father of many nations. You Queen of the coast, loose your hold upon my life now, in the name of Jesus. When you often see snakes appearing in your dream. 6.Father God, I cut and sever and destroy the yokes of matrimony in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. WebA spiritual cage is an evil device of the devil that: 1.Comes with wires, nets, and iron bars. SEX WITH MARINE PEOPLE: If you sleep with a marine agent you would become one of them. The python spirit is that ancient dragon known as Lucifer, Satan. Every arrow shot into my life by witchcraft powers from the waters, I soak you in the blood of Jesus and return you back to sender, in Jesus name. 22. Any water spirit from my village or the place of my birth, working against me and my family, be destroyed by the sword of the spirit, in the name of Jesus. Our content is under copyright law. Engage this deliverance prayer points from marine water spirits with all your heart and with strong faith and I see your story changing in Jesus name. A lot of Christians today are victims of marine or water spirits, but when any believer chooses to stand his/her ground in Christ, every oppressions of the devil is broken to pieces. 21. It makes complete sense and we as the Body of Christ need this information so we are fully equipped for battle. This demonic spirit causes people not to become what God has assigned them to be in life. When the python spirit is operating in your life, there will be hinderance majorly in the areas of your deliverance, marital connection and also progress. I have been having these dreams whereby a man is having sex with me and i didnt know that it was spirits. What is your whatsApp number. Anything offered to you beyond what Jesus Christ Has Done and Is Still Doing Is A Greater Bondage. Children gotten by this means eventually kill their parents. Deliverance From The Bondage of MARINE SPIRITS Part I, 21 Prayer Points For Supernatural Breakthrough, Warfare: Total Deliverance from Spiritual Spouse, The NUMBER 9 (NINE): Prophetic Meaning in the bible, Atomic power of prayer words transcribed PART 1, Deliverance Scriptures Against Spiritual Spouses, 16 WAYS To Practice Agape Love (W-Series), How To Pray Rules of Engagement Prayer & Declaration. [2022 Updated], Prayer Points For Victory Over Generational Curses, Deliverance prayer points against marriage intruders. Because it will prevent you from so many things such as late marriage, financial problem, or even marital wars between you and your partner. Barrenness Sometimes Is Associated with It. That person that has many demons challenging his blessing would find it extremely difficult to progress than a person with a single demon. Every handwriting of ordinances of the marine kingdom in my life be blotted out by the blood of Jesus. This can be a very terrible oppression, but never worry, the name of Jesus Christ is above every other name and every spirit husband in your life shall pack and go today and forever in Jesus name. 21 PRAYER POINTS TO BREAK MARINE AND WATER SPIRITS BONDAGE. 10. These spirits create counterfeit loe they get their high to seduce you, but cannot get serious in a relationship. Jesus Christ, by your power and authority, crush out every foundational serpent working against my marital favour, in the name of Jesus. Take the above scriptures, put them to memory, and use them to wage warfare against the enemys attacks. Any name given to me by spirit husband or wife be changed by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name. in Prayers, Prayers That Rout Demons Evangelist Joshua Orekhie is a servant of God gifted in spiritual gifts of prayers and dream interpretations. Spiritual Meaning of Hearing Knocking Many Times, Spiritual Meaning of Hitting Your Toe/Foot Against A Stone, About Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries, Prayers To Destroy Evil Altars & Sacrifice, When Spiritual Attacks Are Too Much On Me, Deliverance Prayer Against Python Spirits And Marine Spirits. And as such, people under this captive of python spirit struggle to fufill destiny. Every family serpent assigned to the foundation of my life, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. Q & A: Is anything wrong with Astrology and Stargazing? Do not be received, there are demonic forces in the air, on land and in the sea or waters, Ephesians 2:2, Revelation 13:1, Isaiah 27:1. 5.Cages spiritual devices that are used to trap, impede, and confine peoples destinies in the spirit realm. Many young people have been destroyed in disco halls because they danced and got involved with water spirits, without knowing. 3. We urge you to bookmark this site for more updates. Many thanks. Crown of the queen of the coast placed upon my dream on my head catch fire, in Jesus name. 2.Are used to trap and hold people. For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.. Cause delay and difficulty in getting married and failure in earthly marriage. This spirits are violent spirits and they manifest it though all manner of social vices. 21. If you are one of those who believe that you do not have to pray against the spirit of serpent, because God had defeated satan on the cross and thus fought your battles, you are merely displaying your ignorance or using that as an excuse for your laziness to pray. Marine weeding gowns tormenting my physical weeding gown; catch fire, in Jesus name. Unfortunately many pastors have consciously yielded to this water spirits powers in there quest to become popular, but the word of God cannot be broken, on the last day, every false prophet, who doesnt repent shall be cast into the lake of fire, Revelation 19:20, Revelation 20:10. 27. SHARING CLOTHS WITH MARINE AGENTS: Believers must be careful who they borrow things from. 40 Deliverance Prayers Against Marine Spirit Oh Lord I thank you for your unfailing grace and mercy upon my life, all glory belongs to you in the mighty name of Agents from the water monitoring me in my dream die by fire, in Jesus name. Bedwetting Is A Clear And Also Associated With the Spirit Of Immaturity and Stagnation. Every evil pronouncement that has been transferred into my foundation through evil covenant, blood of Jesus, flush them out in Jesus name. Every throne set up for me in the marine kingdom, I reject and renounce you. I believe that by now you already have a good idea of what this marine forces are and what they are capable of doing, now we are going to put them in their place through these deliverance prayer points. PARENTS THAT ARE MARINE AGENTS: Children born of such parents would be polluted. Posted by: TGFJ Marine Spirits Deliverance Prayer Father God, I come now to you and break the marriage covenant with these marine spirits that seem to own you as their husband or wife. Marine tortoise and snails crawl out of my body by fire, in Jesus name. Holy Ghost Fire destroy the root of marine witchcraft in my foundation, in Jesus name. Believer, must be very careful. Repent from all known sins and flee rebellion. Holy Spirit please take all the blue prints plots and plans of satan for my life and where he has violated me spiritually and physically ,take all the calendars and time tables where the enemy would also launch attacks against me specific times of the year and utterly destroy them and delete them forevermore . Job 26:5, Dead things are formed from under the waters, and the inhabitants thereof.. For example JEZEBEL was a Daughter of a Zidonian king. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. 7. I call for a drought upon leviathans waters (Jeremiah 50:38; Jeremiah 51:36). THE PAINFUL CONSEQUENCES OF EVIL FAMILY PATTERNS and CIRCLES. All power belongs to God, today we shall be looking at 20 deliverance prayer points from marine water spirits. They deceive, create false and counterfeit love like the case of Samson and Delilah, they seduce greatly, they harass and so many other forms of Oppression. Constant Smell Thats Irritating Even After Bathing. Every spirit of seduction influencing my life negatively and delaying my marital glory, expire by the authority of heaven, in the name of Jesus. While praying to crush the serpent, you cannot afford to pray like a gentleman or lady; you have to be violent in your spirit and aggressive in your prayer pattern. 15. When you feel like swimming in the river whenever you see river. Every covenant formed on my behalf with serpent spirit by my ancestors/parents, break by the blood of Jesus. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth [it] empty, swept, and garnished. I reject and renounce every satanic office given to me in the marine kingdom, in the name of Jesus. 4. Reader begin to thank and praise the Lord according to the format in the verse above Psalm 100:4-5. 33 Prayer Points for Powerful Men + Scriptures, Prayer Against Satanic Control of Spiritual Gates. 18. Great insights. Dreams of Swimming in Rivers or Oceans. Any python in my life that is bearing children catch fire and die, in Jesus name. They demand for your worship and make your life hell if you do not give it. Men or women who are considered Jezebels have marine spirits. I challenge my body with the fire of Holy Ghost and command every marine spirit residing in my body to manifest and die, in the name of Jesus. By fire by force, I recover my marriage from strange waters, in the name of Jesus. Direct Personal Line/Whatsapp On +2348039681543. *This marine spirit will get a man or a woman to defile themselves or others because the marine spirit has entered into them. 5 For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations. There are some tribes in Nigeria where people dont kill snakes and when you kill such a demonic snake the implication is always death and strange sickness. 10. Today we shall be looking at how to break spiritual marriage through deliverance prayers. I loose my mind and soul from the bondage of marine spirits, in the name of Jesus. GOING TO HERBALISTS, NATIVE DOCTORS OR CONSULTING ORACLES. SIGNS OF A PERSON UNDER A PYTHON SPIRIT AND MARINE SPIRIT, INSTRUCTION: Embark on 7 days fasting and prayers between 6am to 6pm with 7 midnight 12am to 2am. In the name of Jesus, I dry up your rivers, your seas, and your springs (Isaiah 19:5). Dream of swimming in rivers, lakes, ocean, Dream of sex with known or unknown people, Dream of playing with snakes and presents of frogs. This is why when the Devil in prophesy of John is cast down from Heaven, he comes directly, one upon the Land with the Beast that came up from the land, two upon the Seas with the Beast that came up from Seas. They makes sure the door of deliverance is remain closed. When I was first saved in 2014, I was having many visions of angels, Jesus, and other things that I have yet to understand. This is an example of the forms of Marine Enchantments that are put there. Your prayer requests will be looked unto for intercessory. I break and make null and void spiritual marriage contracts and covenants with satan. SATANICALLY INSPIRED MUSIC: Many musicians get their inspiration from water spirits. 16. Materials from the marine kingdom, cowries, beads, jewelries inside my stomach, receive fire come and be roasted, in Jesus name. 5 For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations. 4 Using Enchantments Of Flesh And Marine Witchcraft To Lure Women or Men. Where Python spirit has been in existence in your life then there will be no way your prayers will be answered by God. A sign of having stubborn and vicious spirit husband/wife. Father God, I break the strength of leviathans neck, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Psalm 18:40). Lord Jesus I vow before the court of heaven that as you set me free from these marine spirits ,I will never ever engage in any sexual activity outside of marriage nor open any door to the enemy to return . Therefore the Main Areas This Spirit manifests itself in a people, family, tribe or even Nation is by: 1, Sex. Pls pray 4 me,I want to be free totally from every Marin manipulation in my life, Que Dieu nous delivre de tout esprit marin et nous protege contre toute attaque du diable, Pudo apoyo en oracion por la liberacin de estos espritus marinos que han perturbado mi matrimonio por aos. Every arrow shot into my life from under any water by powers of darkness, come out of me and go back to your sender, in the name of Jesus. Send your testimonies to:, Kindly report anyone plagiarizing our contents on the net. 11. 2. All Giving's Are Directly Sent To The Ministry Account. 3.Consciously or unconsciously, willingly or unwillingly. The spirit of divination is a water spirit, they can see a persons future and use it to manipulate such a one. They inhabit and live in these Areas. The fact that the man is polygamous is enough evidence that he has a problem of marine spirit. 2 Unconscious Marine Agents or People. 14. 4.Anything that is used to trap you. I command all serpentine and scorpion spirits to depart and go now, in the name of Jesus. Every agent of marine witchcraft posing as my husband, wife or child in my dreams, be consumed by fire, in the name of Jesus. (which ever spirit address) I am hereby divorced from you in the highest court of heaven and you no longer have any legal rights to me /my wife /my husband /my family,I issue you with a permanent certificate of divorce ,restraint order permanent injunction and everlasting separation and like wise with all others mentioned ,your are hereby permanently divorced and separated from spiritually and physically where applicable forevermore ,Amen. The tribes God forbade his people never to intermarry with were born from these demonic influences. Every operation of the python demons in my life, scatter by fire, in Jesus name, Any evil priest connecting me with water gods from the marine kingdom, catch fire, in Jesus name. I dissociate myself from the use of marine materials by fire, in Jesus name. 2. Psalm 8:4-8: Every spiritual marriage, dowry, ring, gown given to me by the marine spirit, be dissolved by the blood of Jesus. 1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. JESUS CHRIST HAS NEVER STOP BEING THE ANSWER. So-called deliverance ministries may seek to exorcise marine spirits and other types of evil spirits about which they speculate. In most cases, marine spirit is meant as a generic term rather than as a reference to one, unique, named demon. Gifts: these come in the name of Jesus was the Mother of and... Snails crawl out of my life now, in the name of Jesus from your hold, Jesus... Reject and renounce every satanic office given to me by spirit husband or wife be by... With were born from these demonic influences they manifest it though all manner of social vices good ; mercy... Spiritual marriage through deliverance prayers eventually kill their parents must be careful who they things. That the man is polygamous is enough evidence that he hath but a time. 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